Middle School
Principal Drew Stonewall
Middle SchoolSchool Office: Main Office: (515) 833-2331 Email: Send us a message School Hours: |
Greetings West Central Valley Middle School Students and Families,
Welcome to WCV Middle School, Home of the Wildcats! WCVMS serves approximately 200 6th-8th grade students from the communities of Stuart, Menlo, Dexter, and Redfield. We offer a variety of academic, athletic, musical, and leadership opportunities which allow our students to be connected to school and thrive as middle schoolers. We strive each and every day to make our school a safe and fun environment.
At WCVMS we believe that parents and community are key to student learning and greater academic achievement. Research suggests that students perform better in school when their parents are actively involved in their children’s education. We want our parents to feel comfortable and welcomed in our school at any time. Throughout the year, we will look to communicate opportunities for you to become involved within our building and we strive in creating avenues of communication to keep you up-to-date on the comings and goings of WCVMS. We look forward to working with you to develop a fantastic educational experience for your student.
We take great pride in our building, district, and community. I feel very lucky to get to serve these great students and staff at WCVMS every day. It is an awesome place to learn and grow...and have fun! Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns at any time. You can contact me directly or via email at dstonewall@wcv.k12.ia.us