PLC- Professional Learning Community - our district (every staff member) is a Professional Learning Committee - it is a verb, not a noun
Collaboration: a grade level or content area working together
- Collaboratively gathers evidence of student learning with formative assessments
- Uses the evidence of formative assessments for collaborative inquiry that guides reflective teaching
- Designs interventions that lead to increased student learning outcomes
PD Learning Team Facilitators: District Leadership Team members who facilitate Professional Development
Facilitates training/learning opportunities for staff
Accesses high quality resources and align time, staff, materials, and technology
PD Learning Team : a group of educators that are working and learning about the same topic
TLC - Teacher Leadership and Compensation
Curriculum- what we need students to learn (Common Core is our guide)
Primary Resource- the district provided resource for a given subject area (Wonders, Saxon, textbooks, etc)